Thursday 13 February 2014

Question for Gary Monk the current(!) Swansea manager.

Question for Gary Monk the current(!) Swansea manager.


Isn’t there already too much absurd hostility between the two sets of fans without wading in like a slightly upset three year old in a nursery?

He is now accusing KimBo of headbutting, punching and, for all I know, global genocide at a football match that took place last year.

This from a man whose players kick lumps out of the opposition behind the back of the ref. Worse,  when given the opportunity for Emerdale Farm quality play acting, will dive on the floor holding their faces if they can get a player sent off.

And what was Jonjo Shelvey doing when running at Cardiff supporters pretending to swim in the sea? Hardly an icon for world peace and the good of the game was he Gary?

So come on Gary, pick up your toys and go back to management. Note how real managers have digs at their fellow managers.

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