Sunday 16 February 2014

How Solskjaer can win. Don't stand like Chris Coleman. Learn the stance of successful managers.

At the outset, then at the close of this rant I will state that Solskjaer is the right manager for us and will prove successful. Ok. So here we go …. Solskjaer is the right manager for us and will prove successful.

Ok? Got that?

Now the rant.
Why must he look like a loser on the touchline? Has he had lessons from Chris Coleman?  The head bowed so much? The chin lost in the jacket? The sorrowful eyes? The hunched figure appearing lost and frightened? The man who wishes he were anywhere else, even in freezing Norway?

Forget emulating Chris Coleman, he is a lost cause. There are good reasons why he appears to be a man who expects to lose. Why fly against perceived wisdom?

So Ole, how about looking like your old boss Ferguson?

Fergie was of course never on the losing side. The opposition may score more than his overpaid stars but he was never losing during a match. The ref was against him. Opposition players were cheating, the pitch was too bumpy for his sensitive lads and in one memorable excuse his team wore the wrong colour shirts, thus they couldn’t pass to each other, (I kid ye not - Southampton 1996).

Hence the Fergie look of angry, disbelief that the fates are conspiring to make his team not quite win.
There is also the Mourinho ‘I cannot believe this’ look. That’s a good one. You need to throw your arms around a lot, and shake your head in incredulity.

Mind you for the look of angry disbelief you should study Arsene Wegner’s countenance, even while his team are shipping six goals.
So never except Cardiff are worse, are losing or will lose. All that is happening is that the universe is not behaving as it should.
I will end by fulfilling the promise I made at the start:  Solskjaer is the right manager for us and will prove successful.
He is turning a club from being an eleven man defence to attacking by passing and possession.

It is a bit like an articulated lorry doing a three point turn in a Tesco car park when driven by half blind menopausal woman who is talking on her mobile.

He will get us there .

My main anxiety is that if we are relegated we will lose Solskjaer … along with Caulker, Medel, Marshall  et al.

So chin up, never believe what you are seeing and the results will come.

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