Saturday 15 February 2014

Hopeless or Clueless, Aptitude or Attitude

Hopeless or clueless?

Ok I see the skills. Flashy play. Back heels, sharp bullet fast passes.

What I do not see is joined up playing. Obviously Solskjaer has rang the changes so the players are not used to playing together. But am I asking too much of professionals? Lads down the park sense each other’s abilities faster than this lot.

The defense. No point in comparing it with Malky’s defense. He cemented10 men behind the ball with constant twin lines of four players. Worked fine, except we couldn’t score. Now we seem to have disarray with no one at the back quite sure whether they should be in the first half.
How could McCann have space and time just outside the six yard box, especially when the cross into the box was so telegraphed? How can Watson have a clean strike on the ball from twenty yards with no  one even trying to close him down, particularity as it followed a free kick?

Because amongst the skills you need a bit of blood driven commitment. Look at Messi or Ronaldo. Blessed with the finest skills in the world but also one hundred percent driven throughout a match.

Aptitude with attitude. Where was our attitude. Who wanted to win out there?

Solskjaer is never going to put the fear of God into his players the way his old boss would, but he must find a way to energise their aggression. If he doesn’t it won’t be just championship teams who’ will score with ease against us.

A tick next to the boxes of Jaun Cala and the exciting Daehli, a 'must do better' remark next to the rest.

Oh for a Phil Dwyer, Robin Friday or Don Murray amongst the overpaid skill merchants.

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