Sunday 11 May 2014

Worst team in the Premier league by all statistics - hurts doesn't it.

So there we are. Bottom of the league. Worst team in the Premiership. Worst team for all statistics. Horrible.
Fernando Torres fires in for Chelsea against Cardiff
We needed two more wins maybe along with a draw to have survived which looking back on our season was possible.

 We ended today as we began in January. Scrappy and clueless.

Why we took off Daehli is beyond me. He is one of the few people who can create something. 

If truth be told we scored a fluky goal. A well hit shot from Bellamy deflected off the back of a defender beyond Schwarzer. One of the few times fortune smiled on us in the last 9 months.

The worse truth is that Chelsea could have scored a hat full. In the first three minutes Torres ought to have scored and Turner gave a way an obvious penalty.

In fact had Chelsea played anyone other than Torres up front they surely would have scored at least a couple more. Was Torres really that disappointing? Yep!

What we fans were looking for was some sort of idea of how we would play under Solskjaer next year. It doesn’t look good. The back four remain slow and disorganised leaving acres of space all over the last quarter, from the wings to the six yard box. It cannot be the players as that was one quality we shone at under Malky.

Chelsea made it difficult for our midfield players and closed down nearly all attacks. I am not expecting a Hazard or an Oscar to put on a Cardiff shirt but surely I can expect a shift of work. It is only 90 minutes and these guys are super fit.

I guess we should thank the usual figures of Caulker, Marshall, Declan John, Bellamy and Whittingham. Again we can ask why the sublimely talented Mutch can’t play for 90 minutes. As for the rest I am struggling to be kind. Fabio is at times a delight yet at others a liability. So quick to get the ball up to their goal area but so slow to get out of defence and make the offside trap click shut. 

The second goal a direct result of his lethargy. I do wonder if we would have conceded so many goals in the last few months with the steadier MacNaughton and a longer run for the gifted Declan John as our respective full backs. But it might be the coaching. Too often the fullbacks seem to be caught too far forward.

So we needed seven point just to have stayed up. Just more two wins and a draw. We will torture ourselves forever with all those goals conceded at the last minutes and the fluky ones the opposition scored. Yet the truth is, as I have been saying all along, we cannot score goals. Frasier Campbell runs his socks off, terrorises defenders when they have the ball but scoring just hasn’t happened for him. I don’t think it truly happened for him last season either.  In a different team maybe he would get fifteen, perhaps if he scored a couple it would start the flow. 

And again a word to the fans. Endlessly chanting about the colour of the shirt and what Vincent Tan is full of, does not support the team. It does not lift the players. For the money they get paid you could argue that the players should be able to ignore the lack of support I guess, but I don’t think human beings feel that way. What must they be thinking when they are working their socks off on the pitch and all they can hear from the fans is about that ‘they will always be blue’. That argument can happen now, with the season over.

We start the grind in the Championship in August. Two matches a week. I am not optimistic.
If only we could find a way to get Malky and Tan to shake hands, because from what I have seen the great expectations raised by Solskjaer’s appointment were wishful thinking. 

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