Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Blue Shirts dilemma resolved!

I know you have all been waiting for me to resolve the great standoff between Vincent Tan and the Cardiff City fans over the shirt colour.

Here we go, make notes if you need to.

By the way, the illustrations down the left are exactly that. Illustrations. I am as good at creating a shirt in Photoshop as Cornelius was at scoring, or Turner is at dribbling the ball from our penalty area to theirs or City to go through a game without conceding a goal. Well you get my drift.

We know that Vincent has opened negotiations with the offer of a Barcelona type shirt made up of Blue and Red stripes. Meet me half way he requests.

Barcelona shirts: 2007 home blue and red shirtOk. So let us start to move. How about we say “a blue shirt with a single red ring around the collar?”

So Vince then comes back with “well I want more than that for £150 million! A wide red stripe down the front with red shorts.”

We suck air through our teeth, kick the tyres, and say “well, I can’t stretch that far. How about a red collar and a red vee shape at the front.

Vincent will shake his head. “Can’t let her go for less than 25% red. Tell you what I’ll do. Red vee shape, red collar and a red band around the socks. Can’t say fairer than that. Twelve months m.o.t. and red shorts.”

Uncertain: “Well Vince if that is the best you can do.”

“It’s breaking me heart, my old son,” weeps Vincent. “And you will stop singing silly songs about me?”


We shake hands, win the Championship for the second time in two years, a record methinks, and everyone is happy.

How about that?

And next I will resolve the Palestinian Israeli conflict. 2000 years is long enough to lob stones at each other’s heads.

By the way folks how about this ...
The shirt I like, what do you reckon Vince me ol' mate?

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