Sunday 11 May 2014

A note to Vincent Tan

File:Vincent Tan Chee Yioun.jpg
A note to Vincent Tan.

Vincent Tan has just revealed how much Malky agreed to pay Cornelius. Make sure no sharp objects are nearby. £45K per week. Yes, wipe your pc screen and read that figure again. And yep I do mean per week.

Cardiff aren’t the only club to pay crazy sums for a striker. Liverpool’s purchase of Carroll and Chelsea’s of Torres dwarfs the Danes crazy price tag and weekly pay bill. But those overpaid buffoons proved they could score goals in the premier league, not many it has to be said, but they could score.

Vincent has a point in that had we purchased a proven goal scorer at the outset then we might not have been in this position. In fact I have been saying that all season.

We can also see from the wording of Malky and Moody’s apologies that they must have acted in very injudicious ways. Hopefully one day we will find out.

So yes Vincent won the argument but somehow he has lost the battle. I am not sure he can ever win back the souls of the supporters. Even if we get promoted again, even if he pays off the debt.

There is a saying in sales that you ‘win the argument and lose the sale’. I fear that’s what he has done. He was right all along, he was hard done by. There were unpleasant leaks about him from the coaching staff and Malky’s signings were not always the wisest.

Yes, Vincent you saved us. You really did. We were close to bankruptcy but you were clear sighted in supporting Dave Jones without over commitment. You were brave in buying so many players for Malky’s two championship seasons and generous in the transfer market at the start of this ill-fated season. You dealt with the Inland Revenue and the creditors like the brilliant businessman you are. If someone less sure footed was involved we may not be around today.

Had we done well last season I suspect the angst over the red shirts would have floated away. Leaving just a few miseries in a dark Cardiff pub on a Saturday afternoon moaning into their pints rather than being at the match.

But we didn’t do well, and to be honest you are often unwise in what you say and how you say it. I don’t know if you are ill advised or don’t have the political touch so important in dealing with large numbers of people.

You are correct in that we should be grateful to you. Yes, you saved us and have given us some of our most successful times but fans are like pets. They need to be stroked have their chins tickled, be appreciated, just as owners should. 

Remember this isn’t a job for us. We won’t move onto another team. Following Cardiff City is an incurable disease. I know. I have tried in the past to wean myself off the drug. I once went a couple of seasons with only one eye on the results. But we all come back, yes including you miseries in the pub decrying the red shirt.

Even if you changed the strip to blue I don’t know if the fans will warm to you, yes it has got that bad.

Malky played the fans like a trombone. He may have been the villain of the piece but the fans are not able to see that. He could pat and stroke our egos. Perhaps once the chanting started against you it became an ingrained hatred. We are not talking about individuals remember but a crowd, something between a party and a mob. An individual can understand, discuss but a crowd cannot. Its direction is swayed with the heat of passion.

So hopefully it can be swayed back.

Personally I thank you for saving the club and your clear financial sense. I just wish you would use some of your wealth to buy a PR guy and avoid interviews for a while.

I really hope we can move forward hand in hand. But it is time to don the blue shirt. I couldn’t give a monkey’s what colour we play in, I have never been a traditionalist. But it is too late for that. The initiative will always lie with you and I urge City fans to meet your blue shirt with a handshake so we can have many successful years together.


  1. Cardiff City fans are certainly not the brightest lights in the harbor, a naive lot to say the least! If either one of Mackay or Moody had issued their apology to Vincent Tan, it can be argued, as some of them do, that they may have received some compensation. However, the fact that BOTH Mackay and Moody issued groveling apologies to owner Vincent Tan AND WITHDREW their multi-million pound civil cases with such indecent haste against the club can mean only one thing - the noose was tightening around their necks.

    The aha moment comes when you read the comment posted in response to this article:

    Only impending criminal prosecution would have elicited such a swift groveling response. I wouldn't be surprised if the "settlement" involves the duo walking away with NO COMPENSATION (as Mackay himself asserts) in return for the club withdrawing the criminal complaint. It is probably a stroke of good fortune for them both that the club and the owner have shown mercy and magnanimity, something I doubt they would be shown if they had tangled with say, Tottenham Hotspurs, Swansea or Chelsea!

    What this proves is that Tan was right all along that once all the facts came to light, he would receive apologies. It wasn't a case of overrunning the budget, which was how Tan described it euphemistically, but a case of employees putting their hands in the till! Instead Cardiff fans who've bought wholesale into the narrative spun by Mackay and Moody continue to slate Tan. That's why I say they're not the sharpest tools in the box!

  2. Trent, agree with all you say.

    But it is important to appreciate that a crowd is not like a sentient, reasoning human being. The fans are neither naive nor dumb in my opinion. Just like all fans, all crowds and all mobs they move as a single mass fuelled on emotion.

  3. Maybe a bit too quick to judge. Hopefully we will learn the truth one day.
    In the meantime, I find your sycophantic praise of Tan distasteful. His arrogance in changing our club's colour and badge tells me more about the man than his subsequent media statements, be they true or false.
    Trent Tanby, obviously so intelligent as to generialise all City fans as an homogenous pool of stupidity,has probably devalued his arguement.
    Scribblingscribe; yes, in the heat of a game I would agree, and passion for our club can often cloud rational judgement. Thank goodness for our passion.
    We are all entitled to our views, and I congratulate you all on your well presented opinions. I just don't agree with you.

  4. Thank you Bob. There is a danger in overbalancing the seesaw away from the vitriol and becoming sycophantic. I will keep an eye out for that. Yep, thank goodness for the passion.
