Thursday 1 May 2014

Cardiff’s demotion, the blindness of BBC Wales and the Western Mail. But ooooh is that a rugby player crossing the road?

Ok, now I have a chip on my shoulder the length of the M4 regarding the way the media reports football in south wales.

Any city, other than Cardiff, fortunate to find itself with a premiership side, would have its papers and local tv stuffed full of stories  about the club, some of it might even be true.

But Cardiff City? Erm nope. Now don’t get me wrong I have lived in Wales all my life, man, boy and middle aged, so I know that front page sports news will always be rugby. If a rugby player cuts his nails it demands front page news in the Western mail and hours spent mulling over it on the radio.

On Radio Wales news that Dan Carter might not be fit for the last test against the All Blacks brought the news programs in Wales to a grinding halt. Almost two hours of feverish speculation. I am sure if Obama was being interviewed he would be tasked on the subject of who will replace him and what it means to the Welsh backs.

So I get that, I may not understand it but I know it. Rugby is a sport, football is a diversion in which other people indulge. Those who do not work in BBC Cardiff or the Western mail.

File:Reverend marshall.jpgSo just in case you live in wales you might not be aware of the following: this Saturday coming Cardiff City’s painful season in the premiership could, well, WILL come to an end. If we lose against ropey Newcastle then we are a dead parrot pining for the fiords.

Oddly if we win and the other results go for us we could be safe.

Bizarre, yes?

But not of interest to BBC Wales and very little interest to the Western mail.

Guess we will have to talk about it amongst ourselves.

There aren’t that many club rugby supporters as evidenced by the gates on a Saturday, women’s football matches might gain more spectators. But heavens above they must all work in BBC Cardiff or in the Western Mail.

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