Saturday 20 September 2014

Derby only score twice, Dave Jones Dietary concerns and the mad Scotsman

This is like going back to a bad restaurant when it proclaims itself to be Under New Management and then finding it is exactly the same disappointing fare.
Under New Management from 2011
Let’s do the plus points first. Pilkington showed what he can do with the ball. Both the goals were a result of his crafty ability on the right side.

Gunnarsson, Cardiff’s man of the match, played selflessly box to box, winning challenges, creating chances, defending, scoring goals and making a nuisance of himself in midfield. Derby had 75% of possession and if it wasn’t for the Icelander we would have been in more trouble. So in true head scratching City style he was substituted. Why? What is it about Cardiff City managers and hauling off players who are making a major contribution?

As a result we looked half a team and within ten minutes they scored their equalizer.

Manga looks quality. In fact, in fairness all city players look skilful; they just do not play like a team.

Noone returned and showed a little of what he can do, certainly nice to see two wingers in a Cardiff side, even though we didn’t know how to use them.

You know Barry Island in the depths of a bitterly cold winter when all you can see for miles and miles is space? Well that was how city operated the midfield in the first half, gifting great tracts of land to Derby. Will Hughes of Derby must have felt pretty lonely as he controlled the game in a midfield bereft of red shirts.
The city midfield

It would take a group of the most brilliant theoretical physicists many years of Nobel prize winning analysis to comprehend why Derby didn’t score at least three in the first.

Solskjaer was famous for playing a different back four in every game. Not to be outdone Gabbidon and Young put the exciting, brilliant, young midfielder Ralls at left back. Clearly they didn’t notice the exciting, brilliant young left back on the bench called Declan John. Yes John had a miserable time against Norwich but so did the others and Declan can always point out he was left exposed with no winger supporting him.

Steve McClaren took one look at the left back and concentrated his attacks on Ralls. As a result they dropped loads of balls behind the inexperienced Cardiff defence.

In fact the Cardiff defence offered up enough free space to park the team coaches, with Derby players actually receiving the ball in our  area from over the top balls or straight forward passes. yet they didnt score!

Bizarrely we went 2-0 up. This was a result of Pilkington, Gunnarsson and Whits. Pilkington’s inventive dribbling and passes into the box, Gunnarsson having an eye for the goal, first creating a corner and then scoring. Followed by Whits doing what he wants by shooting inside their area.

Once Gunnarsson went off the game reverted to type. Will Hughes bossed the game and for some mysterious reason they didn’t score at least a further three.

The city players are talented enough, but maybe too much hoofing of the ball up field and particularly way too much over hoofing. If it is going over the head of Kenwynne who is about 7 foot 12 inches then maybe the pass is a little too high? Just putting that out there for discussion.

We need cohesion and a plan.

Truth is we are 16th with 9 points and the top of the table is a log way away off at 18 points. It was a miracle we came away with a point today but there won’t be too many more miracles before the end of the season for us.

Ok we took on a good bet for promotion in Derby County who are playing under an experienced manager in McClaren and we came away with a point. An experinced manager, you get that Mister Tan? Experienced?

We need an experienced manager and we need him now before the top of the table starts flying away from us. If that is Dave Jones then fine, let’s get ready the extra-large tray of pies for his half time nibble.
Dave Jones half time nibbles
I don’t know what Dave Jones meal expenses are like but please Vincent if it isn’t going to be Tony Pulis then give us an experienced guy to knock your talented expensive players into shape. 

Neil Lennon wants to manage us. So he must be insane, thus an ideal candidate. Go on Vince, get him a second class train ticket to Cardiff Central. We might yet get promoted.

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