Saturday 8 March 2014

Wind, straws, clutching and only four more wins.

Ok, be honest, once you saw Fulham equalize put up your hand if you KNEW Cardiff were going to lose …. Ha, yes, just as I thought, everyone.
We're all clutching those same straws, go fot it Solskjaer, we are with you all the way.

We didn’t lose. We beat the bottom club, who at times were diabolical today. As bad as they were Fulham still found more space in the Cardiff box than you see on Lavernock beach in the depths of winter.  They even managed to score a second but were narrowly offside.

Enough of the downside. We won. That means 3 points in case you have forgotten. The win has been a long time in coming. We had two fortunate goals but after all the miserable luck we have had in the penalty area and with crossbars this season we were owed it.

We are third from bottom and it feels as if we are third from the top with a Champions League place beckoning. Our Champions League is the Premiership and, whisper it quietly, it might just be possible.

The first of Solskjaer’s 5 wins.

Let’s say Liverpool and Chelsea are unlikely games from which we can gain points. Not impossible because the unpredictability is what makes football such a great sport, but unlikely. Everton and Newcastle could also be stumbling blocks for points though a draw at either would be most welcome.
That leaves us with the away games at West Brom, Southampton and Sunderland along with Palace and Stoke at home. Anything else is a bonus.

Oh and one final straw at which to clutch: I am not sure if 5 wins are necessary, maybe 4 wins if the wind is with us, and today, for once, it was with us.

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