Saturday 16 August 2014

Let relief be unconfined, Ole's team works!

All together now. Big breath. Inhale, hold it, hold it and exhale …



Solskjaer has got his team and it works. He is out to land a couple more players, there will be more tinkering and he likes to rotate. We get that. But his team, playing in his style, can hold possession, control a game and score goals.

Nice one Ole, we were getting worried.

And a huge pat on the huge back of Kenwyne Jones. 3 goals in two games is a dream start - and he could have scored more!
Kenwyne looking pleased with himself ... a bit like Cardiff City fans!

Results like this won't always happen for us. There will be more testing teams than Huddersfield bombing down the M4 to the Cardiff City Stadium and we will have matches where it doesn’t always go right. 

But now we can see it. The dream land is promotion and this is the path to take.  
His acquisitions look good, his style works. He can play Cardiff at a holding game like at Blackburn and eke out a precious away point millions of miles from home.

The fans were positive, the negative chanting being drowned by the feel good factor. Long may it continue.

We looked dangerous when we had the ball and we closed down when we lost it. cannot ask for more.

Reasons not to be mindlessly optimistic: The history of Cardiff City(!), the fact that Huddersfield had a lot of possession, more shots and more corners and there is a long way to go but …


But bloody hell, after a season of misery, we live in the land of hope again. I like it here.

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