Friday 8 August 2014

City, Blackburn and Kim Kardashian, all without a winger in sight

Kenwyne Jones
Ok. 1 all is ok. Makes it feel better that it is against Blackburn away.
Good defending and excellent closing down from Cardiff, two aspects of the game City forgot in the last few months of the previous season. So extra points for that.
But …
And it is a big but. A Kim Kardashian sized butt.
Gratuitous picture to show you the size of the BUT
But there still doesn’t seem to be a plan. And as hard as you look there aren’t any wingers. Honestly. I kept counting the wingers in a Cardiff City shirt and there isn’t one. At least not with Noone in the treatment room. We have more forwards than the average rugby team yet none are natural wide men. Why (oh why, oh why) didn’t Cardiff buy a winger in amongst all those front men? Without a winger our play is narrow and predictable.
We scored from a set play and in all honestly that was about the only way we created danger.
Yes our forwards had to defend and a pat on the back for Alfie and matts Daehli for their defending.
The trouble is that without a game plan going forward we lose the ball way too easily. Possession was gifted to the industrious Blackburn players. Their tackling was good but they might have saved themselves the trouble and simply wait for a Cardiff player to give them the ball.
For those of us who feared Cardiff would commit too much going forward and concede too much in their own nets this match shows that Ole and his team have done their homework.
This was always going to be the sort of season Alton Towers should package and charge thrill seekers to endure and so it proves true.

Worried of Cardiff.

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