Monday 14 April 2014

Who is to blame for City being relegated?

Everyone can now relax. I have worked out all the points the bottom clubs will realistically receive by the end of this season. Cardiff will be demoted by one miserly point. We will be the runner who trips with in a metre of the line, the business that goes bust just before the arrival of a huge contract, the lover whose text massage expressing enduring love is sent to the wrong person.

Yep. It is all over apart from the blame game. So let’s get on with it.

This is easy. Vincent Tan will blame Malky and Iain Moodey, the fans will blame Tan. Some fingers will be pointed at Solksjaer for taking so long to get a grip on our team, especially while our rivals for the drop were back pedalling and self-imploding.

Some will blame Chris Foy for playing 7 minutes of injury game when I think the physios hadn’t even set foot on the grass in the second half of the Sunderland home match. The result, of course, was that Sunderland scored with the final kick to rob us of 2 points and more importantly some badly needed  confidence. 

I know you are wondering who is to truly blame so I will save you the time and trouble  and tell you.  
Malky and Moore. They spent £38.3 million on summer transfers. This was higher than anyone except Spurs, (after their lottery win with the Bale sale), Arsenal, Chelsea, Southampton, Liverpool and of course Manchester City. (

We spent a paltry 2.5 million in January at the Poundshop of which only Matts Daehli has proven good value, in fact extraordinary value. Ok, one day, he might prove worthy of £38 million alone. 

Somewhere in amongst all those players there ought to have been someone who can, you know, do I need to say it, put the ball into the net. 

Cornelius proved worse than Rudy Gestede and Kenwynne Jones (so far) worse than Odemwingie. Whatever Cornelius cost, and some reports push it as high as £15 million had he stayed at Cardiff, surely we can say that for 8-10 million we could have bought a guy who knew where the goal was in the Premier League.

All season our problem has been the lack of goals. Our best goal scorers are Mutch and Caulker, a midfielder and a defender. 

So when we go down take a gander at the goal difference, note the fact we drop for the lack of a single point. A few more goals and we would have been ok.

Of course being a city fan I don’t expect us to fall through the trap door. My figures were based on us winning 2 more games. Should  we do slightly better, and that is possible, then Fulham will join Sunderland and Norwich for the delights of playing the Boltons, Notts Forests and Doncasters of football.

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