Monday 6 April 2015

Even OAPS can beat Slade's team. Let poor Russell go now and put him out of his misery

 Cardiff 0 - Bolton (over 60s) 3

Aw. It was nice to see Gudjohnsen and Emile Heskey allowed out of the rest home by their nurses. Rather than being slumped in a worn sofa watching Countdown, whilst the staff fed them, they managed to dodder around in a team that scored 3 goals. In fact they scored them against a so called professional footballing club in the Championship.
Image: Henry Allingham
Gudjohnsen thrilled to remember his name
Moses Hardy
heskey woken from his afternoon nap to be told he is playing.

The major difference between the sides is of course the manger. One team had a manger and the other didn’t.

Neil Lennon was the man I wanted to come to Cardiff City Stadium. With the resources and players we had way back in the autumn at his disposal Lennon would have put us at least in the top six playoffs if not into automatic playoffs. I cannot say this with hundred percent confidence, but I can declare with hand on heart he would not have been worse than the current management team.

Maybe we will never know why Russell Slade was appointed. But we should be told. I bought a season ticket for this season. Don’t laugh, it gets worse. I travel down from North Wales to see the home games. That’s a four and half hour return trip of misery. I care. So why doesn’t this football club?

Cardiff City should have had a top ranking manager or at the very least one who has experience at this level. 4-4-2 can work but there are umpteen other ways to play that even middle ranking coaches will be aware of. Even 5 year olds with access to Fifa ’96 and an early Playstation will be aware of other systems!
Slade with his thinking cap on. His tactics are worse without it.


Without doubt the most miserable season since …. No, it is the most miserable disappointing season ever. A record breaker. There have been worse seasons but never one that began with so much promise and just deflated within a few games.
Picture of Soccer formation tactics drawn in chalk on a blackboard
Slade's tactics for this match ....oh and all the others.

If this season was a boxing match the referee would have stopped it after December, simply on the grounds of humanity.

But we still have more matches to come. More misery. More agony. And continue to asking the same question. Why Russell Slade?


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