Sunday 7 December 2014

Post Rotherham match, Q and A session with master tactician Russell Slade.

Q and A session with master tactician Russell Slade.!/image/126159334.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/126159334.jpg
Q You are playing one of the bottom clubs, real no hopers, so what is your game plan.
Russell Slade: Hoof it up field.

Q. Yeh. So what happens when that fails?
Russell Slade: Hoof it up the field.

Q No, no. I am not sure you are listening. Suppose that within ten minutes of the game, one of the worst clubs in the championship see what you are doing and effortlessly deal with it?
Russell Slade: Hoof it up the field.

Q. Right, right. Let us say that you have one striker, Adam le Fondre who is too short to compete with tall centre halfs and another, Kenwynne Jones, who isn’t aggressive enough to battle for the long ball?
Russell Slade: Hoof it up field.

Q. Ah, yeh. But suppose Rotherham cannot believe their luck? We keep giving them the ball and they keep playing through our midfield?
Russell Slade: Hoof it up field.

Q No, no. I am not sure you are listening. Say you get to half time and the ball just keeps coming back to you?
Russell Slade: Hoof it up field.

Q. Oh. So if you are still pathetically ineffective at 60 minutes you will change things around like most managers? Take players off, change the shape?
Russell Slade: No. Hoof it up field.

Q yes, but Russell, please think. If the other team can see your tactic of hoofing it up field isn’t working and continue to attack and actually create more chances then do you think your 4-4-2 might need some tinkering.
Russell Slade: (thinks).

Q. I mean, it hasn’t worked for 85 minutes.  We are creating so few chances their goalkeeper could have done something more useful with his time and take up a course in learning Cantonese. So you look at 4-4-2 and the tactic of hoofing it upfield and what do you actually do? I mean really. You know if you are manager? You have excellent ball players through the middle of the park. You could play 4 -3 -3, or …
Russell Slade: I did change things. Brought on Ravel Morrison and Macheda.

Q. With five minutes to go? That is too late.
Russell Slade: well they won’t be expecting me to change things that late will they?

Q. I guess not Russell. Thank you. You know that Neil Lennon wanted this job?

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