Wednesday 1 October 2014

The new Kenwynne Jones, Bodyguards and Cotton Wool.

Who is this Kenwynne Jones Cardiff signed at the start of this season?

If you recall we had a Kenwynne Jones last season but he didn’t really work out. He was brilliant in the warm ups, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do with that ball. He could control any sort of pass drilled at him, he could volley, half volley from any range. But once the ref blew the whistle for kick off he went absent without leave.

The Kenwynne Jones who is now playing for Cardiff City is indispensable. He needs to be wrapped in cotton wool as soon as he leaves the pitch and carried to a padded safe room where he should be protected by the most astute, best trained body guards the world can offer. He should receive visitors by appointment only and even those must be checked by a doctor for any viruses they may have.
Yet again at Brighton this new Kenwynne Jones covered every blade of grass. In midfield, attack, in defence, on the wing …what? Yes on the wing. More than once he took the ball on the wing and then made something of it.
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never mind protecting the Mona Lisa, get down to Cardiff and protect something of real value!

He can hold the ball as long as he wants and then distribute short or long with a deadly accuracy.
His tally of 5 goals from 10 games is almost a bonus.

Yep, the point at Brighton was a team effort. Marshall saved our bacon . Three times the Brighton fans leapt from the seats shouting ‘yes’ in unison as the ball headed for the Cardiff net. And three times they had to sit back down wondering what trickery prevented the goal. Marshall is the best keeper in this league, full stop.

Fabio is a staggering athlete. By the end of the match he was finding it hard to actually lift himself up off the turf after a few crunching tackles. But Fabio being Fabio he did stand up, and Fabio being Fabio then ran at rocket speeds to get from defence to attack and back again. If it wasn’t for the new Kenwynne Jones he would be the most improved player.

You have to feel for the brilliant Connoley, Cardiff;s stand out player of the first mnonth but this partnership of Manga/Morrison is hot right now. Pilkington over the last couple of matches has begun to show the form he demonstrated back at Wigan.

Brayford, Whitts, Gunnarson were as good as ever.

Why couldn’t OGS get these players to perform like this?

We face Blackpool oh Friday who, at the bottom of the table, must be a potential 3 points. That would take us to just outside the play off places. a wondrous development considering where we were before Gabbidon and Younge took over – or is that Gabbidon, Younge and Slade?

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