Monday 30 December 2013

Vincent Tan Booing

 Screen Shot 2013 12 28 at 9.33.31 PM1 WTF! Cardiff owner Vincent Tan boos his own team after they draw 2 2 with Sunderland [Vine Video]

 This is a picture of Vincent Tan booing.

If you follow the news papers and the BBC you would know it to be Vinnie Tan booing his own team following the Sunderland result. And you would be wrong. Totally wrong. As wrong as saying Paul Ince would be a great manager for Cardiff, as wrong as saying if Vincent left someone else with a hundred million would stroll in, as wrong as wrong could be.

let me explain. Vincent is joining all the other fans in booing Chris Foy for finding 5 minutes of extra time following a half without any player needing medical treatment. Not even a sticking plaster for a little graze on the knee. In the final seconds of the elasticated injury time Sunderland sneaked in a diabolically fortunate goal.

We all booed.

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